This article first appeared in Issue 200 and it
documents the first twenty or so years of the
magazine’s life.
In a pre-launch issue of The Chronicle, editor-elect Graham Parker
wrote "The Parish Council has accepted the responsibility of producing
a monthly newsletter for the village and somehow or other I appear to
have been given the job as editor - the principle reason for the dubious
honour is probably that I was not at the meeting when the position
was discussed".
Issue Number 1 of The Chronicle hit the streets in September 1983.
Articles told how Aston Abbotts came second in Bucks in the Best Kept
Village competition; an item on the possibility of connecting
households to North Sea Gas; Gardening Tips; the Aston Abbotts
Cookbook; and a report on the 1983 fete, which was opened by Vic
Scott and raised £969.17.
There was also an update on Parish Council activities, with the Parish
Council then consisting of Colin Higgs (chairman), John Whyte, Peter
Dines, Graham Parker, Les Smith and David Watts. A reply slip asked
for views on the future of the Church Room (199 issues later The
Chronicle was to do the same again). A feature article by Ruth and
David Watts touched on 900 years of Aston Abbotts history and the
Message From The Rector Fr. John Heffer, in addition to wishing The
Chronicle well, gave news of a forthcoming visit by the Bishop of
Buckingham (I feel a limerick coming on).
And with this first issue of 12 pages
The Chronicle was
established, garnering a favourable
reaction from
The first issues contained no
advertising, but by issue 3
Graham was saying, "This
issue of funding must be
faced," and estimating the
annual cost at £150. Free
distribution was an
essential guiding principle
of The Chronicle and issue
5 in January 1984 carried
the first advertisements.
By the time The
Chronicle celebrated
its first year in
publication with
issue 12 the
'Noticeboard' page
- the forerunner to
our Peoples Page
and What's On
pages - was
and regular
were emerging,
including an occasional
column written by 'Bucket Of
Booze' which poked fun at village
events. Local news included the granting of
planning permission for conversion of the former
school to a restaurant, despite a petition against it signed by
42 local residents. Less than a year later the Old Masters was open
and Juan had become a regular advertiser supporting The Chronicle, as
he still does today.
Issue 12 also contained the news that Aston Abbotts had won the
Gurney cup for the best kept village in Bucks and the first anniversary
issue carried more news of this including a reprinted newspaper report
telling how Aston Abbotts resident Kitty Kelleher was praising Parish
Councillors for their efforts towards the award.
By the end of 1984 editor Graham Parker was threatening to "bore you
into submission" if he didn't receive more articles, and admitting that
The Chronicle was running at a loss.
1985 saw the Chronicle reporting on a planning application to build
three houses between the Royal Oak and Oak Farm (this was to
become The Acorns) and issue 27 featured the first Andy Bystra
cartoon showing Ernie and Eileen Naylor leaving the Bull and Butcher.
The Noticeboard page had metamorphosed into the Peoples Page,
edited by Bridget Brandon, with a separate events listing.
In January 86 Graham reported The Chronicle as still running at a loss,
despite contributions from the Parish Council (£10) and the Christmas
Show (£5)). At that time few people realised that Graham was making
up the deficit out of his own pocket.
Issue 30 in February saw the first Andy Bystra cover drawing and some
sun appeared on the financial horizon with the publication of a letter
from 'The Friends Of The
Dear Graham,
The purpose of this letter
is two fold. Firstly to
extend thanks to you for
the work you do in bringing out the Chronicle ever month. The paper
is enjoyed by a great many people and is a source of conversation in
many houses not to mention pubs. It is something we all look forward
to dropping through our letter boxes. The second reason is that we
would like to be of some help. Some of us send in the odd article,
some of us raise funds which eventually get to you, some of us just
smile as we read.
However we realise that you need additional funds to run the
Chronicle and we would like to ensure its future health. In
conversations this Christmas we came up with the idea of "THE
This would be a group of people willing to contribute a small sum of
money on an occasional basis to give your venture some additional
The authors of this letter have already volunteered to become a
"Friend" By the publication of this letter we would ask any one else
who enjoys the Chronicle and who would like to become a "FRIEND"
to contact any one of the people below.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Bystra, Bridget Brandon, Chris Brandon. Neil Chesher, Margaret
Chesher, Helga Davies, Stuart Davies, Fred Poulter, Molly
Poulter, Patricia Sims, Patrick Sims, Tricia Webb,
Marshall Webb, John Whyte, Dee Whyte and
Rita Robinson.
In the same issue
another letter from
Basil Bottom
threatened to take
over The Chronicle,
saying, "I am
thinking of making a
bid for your
magazine and to
thereby increase the
size of my publishing
empire. At present I
produce the following:
The Undertakers Weekly,
- but the circulation of this
publication seems to be
dying". The peoples page
had the following message,
"Congratulations to John and
Dee Whyte who are expecting
their first child. John tells me
they are desperately seeking a
name for their child. Perhaps you
can help. Please contact John with
any suggestions. Matt, Off,
Brilliant, and Gloss have already
been suggested." [I understand that
there was also the inspired
suggestion of Isla - webmaster]
As 1986 progressed Fr John Heffer
made an appeal for a demonstration at
the dangerous Wingrave crossroads following the death of Wingrave
cyclist David Gaskell. The campaigning and protest was to gain
momentum over the year featuring in local newspapers as well as in
The Chronicle.
'View From The Corner Of The Bar', penned by Neil Chesher, appeared
and by the middle of the year contributions and fund-raising events
were beginning to ensure a future for The Chronicle. The village shop
started selling Bric-a-brac and The Chronicle expressed its best
wishes to the O'Sullivan and Perkins families whose homes were
destroyed by fire. Peter Knight won first prize in the Bucks farming
and Wildlife competition.