The Bull Monty
Inspired by the film of similar
name the Bull Monty was a hugely
successful fund-raising event that
took place in the rear bar of The
Bull and Butcher pub (sadly now
closed and a block of flats).
This was the brainchild of Ray
Wilkinson, who blagged, blarnied
and bullied a hapless half dozen
male villagers into removing their
clothes in front of a screaming
horde of village women. The
challenge was taken up
enthusiastically by the 630 Club,
resulting in a night that few who
were there will ever forget.
This tape of the event was filmed
by Neil Chesher.
Trevor Hall’s video of the 2017 Tour of Britain cycle race coming
through Aston Abbotts (link to YouTube).
Saturday 9th September 2017 saw Stage 7 of the Tour of Britain cycle race come through Aston Abbotts.
The stage was from Hemel Hempstead to Cheltenham and came through Aston Abbotts about an hour
after the start. It was broadcast live on ITV4 but...
This video shows the whole event passing though Aston Abbotts from a spectators viewpoint. It’s long
but it shows just how much organisation and how many people are involved in such an event.
Unfortunately, there was one thing that this video missed. The filming stopped as the last of the support
vehicles passed by. The first person to travel along the road about a minute later was not in a car or
other vehicle – it was a loan cyclist slowly pedalling along on what was probably his weekend exercise.
What made it special was that, as he passed by, the cheers he received appeared louder than for those
who were in the race!