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Community - Other Social Activities
Village Fete in Aston Abbotts
The Book Club
The book club meets once a month to discuss a book chosen by one of its members. Each month a different member chooses a different book. Meetings usually take place at one of the member's houses. If you are interested in the Aston Abbotts book then please contact April who can give you more information about it.
Coffee Mornings
The Thursday coffee morning in the Village Hall has become very popular since its inception around 2004. It runs from 10 am until 11.30 every Thursday. It was suspended during the worst of the Covid pandemic, but is up and running again now. Tea, coffee, cakes, biscuits and often bacon rolls are on offer - all at bargain prices. The coffee mornings are particularly popular with older residents because younger villages are usually at work. But all ages are welcome.
The Summer Ball
The summer ball is a biennial event held around the time of the Aston Abbotts fete. This is superbly organised by Frank McManus, with help from his team of volunteers. It is a black-tie event with a meal, a bar, live music, and a charity auction. The Summer Ball is held in the grounds of The Firs, by kind permission of Mrs Elizabeth McManus. The ball is in aid of charity. Originally funds went towards building a footpath at the side of the road leading down to the A418. More recently the ball has been in aid of McMillan Cancer Support. The Covid pandemic scuppered any thought of a summer ball recently. As of 2024 it is not known if and when it will happen again. Details of any upcoming Summer Ball events will be posted on our news page.
Local band Squid provided the live music at the 2001 Summer Ball
The Aston Abbotts annual fireworks display takes place on November 5th each year on the Recreation Ground. Volunteers give a 15-20 minute fireworks display, supervised by a trained operator. There is also a stall selling hot-dogs, soup and mulled wine. This highly popular event is free, but donations are invited upon entry and it is these along with a grant from the Parish Council and a portion of the fête proceeds that finances the display. The display is usually announced in The Aston Abbotts Chronicle, on the village Postbox and on the Aston Abbotts Community Facebook page.
Aston Abbotts fireworks 2021
Aston Abbotts Fireworks 2021
Other Events
Various activities take place throughout the year. These are usually publicised in The Chronicle or on the Postbox so keep an eye out for them. Here is a selection: The Village Quiz - Chronicle editor Pete Lucas hosts a quiz in the Village Hall several times a year. Prizes, surprises and banter. Snacks provided, bring your own drinks. The Breakfast Service - Once a month a team at St James Church provide a breakfast in the Village Hall followed by a short service in the church. Easter Egg Hunt - In recent years there has been an Easter Egg Hunt for children in the Village Orchard. Christingle - Another event for children held in St James Church at Christmas each year. Book Club, Bingo and Whist Drives - These are usually publicised in The Chronicle. Agricultural Show - Each year, as autumn approaches, the dedicated band of allotmenteers hold a show in the Village Hall. Judging is private, but afterwards the public are welcome to view the exhibits. The Annual Village Fête - has its own page here. The Annual Parish Meeting - Held each year, usually around May, this is both a social occasion and also a chance to hear reports from groups and activities. There is a vote to decide how the proceed from the village fete are spent. Yoga and Pilates - there are often yoga or Pilates sessions held in the Village Hall. These may not be every week. Social Media - in addition to the Facebook page there are a number of active WhatApp groups for dog walkers, Gnomes, 630 drinks, etc. Walks and Bus Tours - Colin Higgs often organises village walks and ‘mystery’ Bus Tours to local towns.